Christ-centered Community
The LIFT community is composed of students, staff, and mentors coming from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. We believe biblical fellowship is central to your time in the LIFT program and we desire that you cultivate friendships that last for eternity.
How does LIFT cultivate community?
Life Together
Start your morning right. Come together as a LIFT community to read scripture and pray 3-5 mornings a week.
LIFT students organize regular worship sessions to pray and sing together as a community of brothers and sisters in Christ.
Growth Groups
Growth groups are discussion groups where you meet with 4-6 other students and 2 mentors to discuss what you are learning throughout the program.
All LIFT students are assigned a mentor at the beginning of the year, who meets with you to discuss what you are learning, pray together, and help you set goals.
Social Events
LIFT hosts a variety of events to foster fellowship, including a coffee house event, ladies' and guys' appreciation nights, birthday celebrations, and end-of-semester banquet dinners.
Weekly excursions provide a great opportunity for the LIFT students to bond through shared experiences and the challenge of overcoming obstacles together.
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