Teaching a theology class
Students praying during LIFT Class


LIFT classes are designed to support your growth in three main areas of life: intellectually, spiritually, and physically.

We want you to be equipped to face real-life challenges and tackle tough questions. As you develop your worldview, we hope to help you navigate your spiritual journey and enhance your knowledge of God.

Become a well-rounded disciple of Christ.

Take classes that will help you . . .

  • Taking notes during Biblical Class

    Solidify and understand a biblical worldview in a post-Christian culture.

  • Walking & talking, sharing the Gospel

    Become familiar with how to share and talk about the Gospel with others.

  • Reading the Bible & journaling

    Practice spiritual disciplines and learn how to naturally incorporate them into your daily life.

  • Building a project on a mission trip

    Experience firsthand how missions impact the local and global church.

  • leading a small group of summer staff

    Apply leadership principles into a summer practicum under a professional Christian mentor.

What classes will I take?

  • Introduction to Doctrine


    This course explores God's redemptive work throughout history and the unity of the biblical narrative. You will develop critical thinking skills as you compare worldviews while strengthening your faith through a deeper understanding of Christian doctrine.

  • Missions Practicum


    You will learn how to live on mission as a disciple of Christ in your culture and other cultures. You will see firsthand the role of the local and global churches in light of God's redemptive work through history into the present.

  • Leadership Training I & II


    During this course, you will learn leadership theory and principles as it applies to being a disciple of Christ. You will also learn fundamental skills and safety for various outdoor activities. As you lead outdoor excursions, you will apply your growing leadership skills.

  • Spiritual Transformation I & II


    This course focuses on the study and application of disciplines that foster spiritual growth and transformation, emphasizing experiential learning and active participation in discipleship practices such as scripture memorization, prayer, Bible reading, and more.

  • Historical Theology & Cultural Engagement


    This class comprises an introduction to church history and a brief study of world religions in comparison to Christianity. You will learn to critically interact with our modern culture and use rational support for your faith.

  • Holistic Ministry Practicum


    This course focuses on the transformational power of the Holy Spirit in word and deed within their culture and the culture students experience on their mission trip. You will apply effective community development principles on the trip with sensitivity, respect, and love.

  • Leadership Practicum


    As a leadership capstone, you will learn and apply leadership principles and skills by serving in a paid leadership role at COTW or another partnering ministry. This includes continued reading, an analysis paper, and regular meetings with supervisors to review growth.

College Partnerships

You have the option to take LIFT classes for college credit through the following colleges:

  • Crown College Logo

    Crown College offers undergraduate and graduate-level credits.

  • Gordon College Logo

    Gordon College offers undergraduate credits.

  • Houghton University Logo

    Houghton University offers undergraduate credits.

  • Roberts Wesleyan College Logo

    Roberts Wesleyan University undergraduate credits.

  • Cairn University Logo

    Cairn University offers undergraduate credits.

  • Judson College at Southeastern

    Judson College offers undergraduate credits.

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