Edward and Julie Lyman
Serving with Buena Vista Missionary Association, Inc.
Edward and Julie Lyman
I became involved in evangelistic crusades with a number of evangelists and quite a number of those meetings were overseas in such places as Jamaica, Ireland, Mexico, South America, Korea, etc. Each of these contributed to combining my mission’s interest with my ministry commitment. Long ago I had the opportunity to join the program at COTW, meet missionaries there and learn about the distinct mission commitment of Gordon Purdy. I began to put particular emphasis upon supporting and encouraging specific indigenous ministries and for 20 years spent time in China with Werner Burklin teaching in churches and Bible schools and at the same time I committed to working with UTin Maung Tun and his Witnessing for Christ team in Myanmar. That has been my main focus since 1998 when the first Myanmar Christian Assembly Church in Bangkok was planted, and now there are 17 self-supporting Burmese churches in and around Bangkok.