Your LIFT adventure begins here!

We can’t wait to have you join us for LIFT! Here are the items we need from you before your arrival in August!

You’re in! What’s next?

  1. Read the LIFT handbook
    This is a document that explains many community principles and gives a good general sense of what LIFT is about and some things you need to be aware of before you arrive. Please read this through completely.

  2. Collect items from the LIFT Personal Gear List
    This is the list of personal gear or clothing you need to personally own and bring with you to be prepared for LIFT’s many different activities. Some students are confused about gear preparation. LIFT provides all of the specialized technical outdoor gear needed to facilitate an adventure program, like tents, climbing gear, canoes, sleeping bags, etc. Students are responsible for many personal items, like clothing, e.g. a good quality rain jacket, rain pants, and good hiking boots. If you follow this list, you will be perfectly prepared for LIFT. Please ask any questions you may have.

  3. Fill out your Health Form
    Please scan and email this form to us once complete, or print and bring the filled-out copy with you to LIFT in August. This form requires information from a physical examination performed within a year of August 22, 2025. (Students often need to schedule a new physical in order to complete this form. If you have a recent physical, you can get the required information from your doctor’s office.)

  4. Have a valid passport
    You must have a passport with an expiration date later than October 2026. We will be checking passports on the first day of LIFT to make sure they expire after October. This is first important step towards the missions trip.

  5. Submit your background check information
    Navigate to and fill out the information requested there so that we may initiate a background check.

  6. Start memorizing Scripture

    The fall passages we will be memorizing as a group are Psalm 103 (ESV), John 15 (ESV), and Romans 8 (ESV). You can make the most of your semester by beginning to memorize these passages now.

  7. Confirm travel information
    Email your travel information to as soon as possible. Please include how you will get to CAMP-of-the-WOODS on Friday, August 23rd.
    If you are flying into Albany, let us know your flight information. If you are driving, let us know whether you are keeping your car here. If you are being dropped off by parents, let us know at least three weeks before arrival if they want to stay here at CAMP-of-the-WOODS for a night (It only costs $20/room for one night, a special rate only provided if you’re dropping off a LIFT student.)

  8. Pay the remaining half of the program fee

    You will need to pay the remaining $500 before or on the first day of LIFT (Aug 22, 2025).

    • Paying with Card: If you want to do it with a credit card via the registration website like you did with the initial deposit, paying before you arrive to LIFT will be best as it will be hard to do this from your phone once you arrive.

    • Paying with Cash or Check: If you want to pay the last $500 with a check or cash, bring it with you and give it to LIFT staff upon your arrival in August.

Important Dates to Know:

*These dates are not finalized and may change:

August 22, 2025 Arrive to campus by 4:30pm. Flying? Please land in Albany before 12:00pm eastern.
November 25, 2025 Depart for Thanksgiving break by 4:00pm.
*December 31, 2025 Arrive to campus for second semester by 4:30pm. This date is not finalized and may change.
March 2026 Spring Break
May 8, 2026 Depart for end of second semester by 9:00am. This date is not finalized and may change.
June 1, 2026 Arrive to begin your Summer Leadership Internship. This date is not finalized and may change.


Contact us at or feel free to text or call Rachel Harlan at 770-714-7354.