Phil and Ann Baur
Serving with Pioneers
Phil & Ann Baur
www.awm-pioneers.org Arab World Ministries (for stories)
Both Phil & Ann provide administrative backing at the executive level of Pioneers in recruiting and training new missionaries, sending them out to over 100 countries, and provide ongoing care and logistical support while they are on the field. The Baurs serve on the President’s Team at Pioneers USA, increasing his effectiveness and thereby expanding the capacity of Pioneers. They also serve the Board of Directors, and were able to arrange a retreat for the Board at Camp of the Woods last September! This is the 29th year that Baurs have been serving as missionaries in direct support of Gospel proclamation among hard-to-reach people groups. Camp-of-the-Woods has been supporting Phil & Ann since 1991, the year they began their work as full-time missionaries. Phil’s first missionary experience was working at Suen Douh Camp, supported by Camp of the Woods, the summer of 1976. Pioneers "mobilizes teams to glorify God among unreached peoples by initiating church-planting movements in partnership with local churches." Their focus is those people groups that have little or no gospel outreach among them. The goal is to introduce them to Jesus, bring them into relationship with him and have them begin to meet together with others in their ethno-linguistic group. In many cases this requires creative ways to obtain visas and subtle ways of proclaiming the Gospel to protect both the Pioneers missionary and the people with whom they meet.