Nancy Leet
Serving with The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM)
Nancy Leet
TEAM’s Blog:
Our vision in TEAM Taiwan is to see Taiwan Transformed by the powerful witness of a diverse church, unified in pursuit of God's kingdom, led by Biblically defined, radically obedient followers of Jesus Christ who have a passion to make disciples in all segments of their society and the world beyond.
It is my conviction that evangelism and discipleship must have their foundation in a knowledge and application of the Word of God. My long-term goal in ministry here in Taiwan is to see people becoming and making disciples of Jesus Christ through the study of His Word. Our strategy to encourage and equip believers toward this end is to train them in Bible study methods (using Precept Inductive Bible Study materials) while modeling and training them to prepare and lead Bible study discussions. As people engage with God through His word, they grow in their love and faith, and become more active in sharing truth with others.
I have been a CAMP-of-the-WOODS missionary from the beginning of my involvement with TEAM, arriving in Taiwan initially in January, 1980. (40 years)
Please pray for God to work in the soil of people’s hearts making them receptive to the seeds of the gospel that are being planted, and for believers to persevere in planting those seeds, even though the growth is slow coming.
Please pray for me as I transition from active missionary to retired status. (Retirement date: November 2022) For me, the main impact of retirement will be the change in my relationship to my organization (TEAM). I plan to continue to live in Taiwan, discipling people through Bible Study.