
What can you expect to experience in Togo?

Togo offers diverse landscapes, from its rolling savannas to its woodland plateaus. Beyond its gorgeous vistas lies an artistic and musical culture where community reigns. You can expect to experience this vibrant culture while training youth in leadership and identifying places for church planting.

Key Information

  • January 8-17: 9 days in total

  • $1,250/per person - not including airfare and transportation

  • At least 25 years old.

  • 6-8 adults

  • Learn more about Converge and The Timothy Initiative (TTI):

  • We will have multiple Zoom meetings with 6 Degree Initiative leaders to build the vision and the practical experiences once on the ground in Togo.

    Training will include how to engage with locals in a “red village” and how to lead into a spiritual discussion.

The Trip Experience

  1. We will be training young, next-generation Togolese camp leaders (13-25 years old) for 2-3 days before they work at a series of youth camps with the intent to stir up a new age of Christ-followers.

  2. Leadership development will focus on wisdom and humility as these students learn how to reflect the heart of Christ.

  3. We will visit unreached people groups in several villages to get to know them, hear their stories, and learn about their culture.   We will also look for opportunities to share our stories and faith, plant seeds of hope and life, and pray for them.


Tim Trezise & Bob Bakke

Jesus taught, “Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the kingdom of God.”  Join us for a week in one of the smallest nations of West Africa, the Togolese Republic, to explore and experience Jesus’ message about his kingdom.  Known for its beautiful beaches, vibrant music, and tasty cuisine, “Togo” is also one of the poorest nations in the world, with a dark history of slave trade. Its population is slightly less than 50% Christian, with the remaining practicing Voodoo, Tribalism, or Islam.  We will be serving with missionaries from Converge and The Timothy Initiative who work to train and develop disciples among the youth to help strengthen the leadership among the existing and future churches.