
What can you expect to experience in India?

India is a country full of history, vibrant colors, and rich aromas of spices wafting through bustling markets. Beyond its iconic landmarks lies the warm hospitality of its people whom you will get to connect. You can expect to experience this energetic culture while sharing the good news.

Key Information

  • May 12 – 26, 2025

  • $2,750/per person - not including airfare and transportation

    Additional Costs:

    Personal Trekking Gear (packing list will be provided)

    Option of an additional 2-3 tourism days at the end of the trip to see the Taj Mahal and other famous sites

  • This trip is for ages 21-55.

  • Gaddi Tours

  • 5-7 adults

  • For an additional cost, you have the option to visit the Taj Mahal and other famous sites after you get back from the Himalayas.

  • Gift for trekking gear or other needs for the organization

  • We will have 8 Zoom meetings prior to the trip to

    • get to know each other and build the team

    • spiritually prepare with David Platt’s Bible study, “Somethings Needs to Change”

    • go over planning logistics and ministry options

      Cultural and outreach training will occur during the trip

  • We will have 1 post-trip Zoom meeting to debrief and evaluate the experience and life application of the lessons learned. We will discuss how to increase awareness for living on mission and how to strengthen the local church in its involvement in local, regional, national, and global communities.

The Trip Experience

  1. We will be going with a trekking company to learn about India and its culture where we will connect and build relationships with others as we share our stories and the very encouraging news.

  2. We will encourage and support the staff members of the trekking company as we meet people on the journey and get to know them and their culture in the remote Himalayan villages.


Tim Trezise

Our team will go with the intention to encourage and learn from the trekking company staff as we journey through the remote foothills of the Himalayas.  We will trek into some of the most unreached corners of this world spiritually. It is a time of eternal investment and purpose.  It will take physical and spiritual preparation.  Warning: This will change you and the way you see the world!  “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!

Memorable Moments